Saturday, January 13, 2007

Or There’s No God

God is one
They all agree

So it should be the
Same God to them

But it isn’t
They all lie

They call their God:
Christian’s God - Father of Jesus

Muslim’s God - Gabriel’s Allah
Hindu’s God - hierarchic God of gods

How can these Gods
Be the same God?

They all lie
Or there’s no God

Who is God?

God is omnipotent
yet he can do nothing
can’t stop the Darfur genocide
can’t stop the war in Iraq

God is omniscient
yet he knows nothing
science knows how the world works
science knows why man wants God

God is omnipresent
yet he is nowhere
out of nowhere he comes
into nowhere he goes

God is timeless
yes, he’s stupid
he cannot read
the time clock.

A Guru's Sense of Crisis in the Air

“There’s a sense of crisis in the air over the notion that reason itself is in jeopardy.”
~Deepak Chopra

Have no reason
Don’t be rational
Don’t use your brain
Do what the holy books say

Pray to Jesus
Who died for you
Pray to his Father
Who fathered him

Pray to Mary
Who allowed Father
To take away her virginity
In immaculate conception

Call a cow your mother
Become like her a coward
Drink her urine
(as some Hindus do)
To become healthy as a bull

All this religiosity
All this spirituality
Will make you holy
And you’ll go to heaven

But if you get sick
Don’t get medicine
Don’t go to a doc
He uses science-inventions

Don’t drive a car
Don’t fly in a plane
Don’t use your PC
All made by science-inventions

Ride a donkey
Send mail par les pigeons
Live in a cave
Like those who brought you God.


When confusion reigns,
the guru thinks his followers
exist because of him.

And if he weren’t imparting
his pedestrian wisdom to them,
the world would come to an end.

He never realises he exists
because his followers exist and
they would be better off without him –

Learning how to tax their brains
and think straight with reason.
But I admit because of

his spiritual foolishness,
I’m inspired to write
poems like this.

Note: Inspired by ‘Confusion’, a Bulgarian poem by
Nino Nikolov in English translation by Ewald Osers
in East European Poetry, p 425, Ardis, Ann Arbor, 1983.

Past Life Karma Baloney

Not happy and miserable -
It’s your Karma of the past life.
Now do the penance all your life.

And anything you do, not
prescribed in this life, be ready
to do the penance in your next life.

So in this spiritual Hindu delusion,
the world isn’t real - an all out illusion.
You live your life in utter confusion.

Imagine An Afterlife

One can imagine an afterlife where one no longer has a body, where there is no need for breath, where the mind doesn’t process data anymore. But as long as there is individuality, there must be a faint sense of both ego and bliss. Ego says, “This is happening to me.” Bliss says, “I feel the spark of creation.”

~Deepak Chopra


Ego is so hard to
give up and so is
the desire for bliss,
even after your death –
rotting in a box or floating
in an urn in holy Ganges.

But one can still imagine
an afterlife with a faint
sense of both, ego and bliss.
What? In afterlife a faint
sense of ego and bliss!
What nonsense!

Ego talking of happenings
and the bliss of blessings.
What nonsense!
What else one could
imagine and faintly sense
besides this nonsense?