Thursday, July 20, 2006

The new age quantum guru from India and the savages

The new age quantum guru from India
preaches things of souls and God,
perpetually all mixed up in his mind,
To his soul searching disciples in America.

Love and peace,
Goodwill and forgiveness,
No harm to no one he talks.
“Turn your other cheek

If someone slaps you,”
Like Gandhi he always talks.
When asked: “what’ll you do
If a terrorist comes to kill you?”

"Or some savage enters your home
And before your eyes rapes
Your wife, your mother, your daughters and
And your sisters, leaving none alone."

He fools you with answers.
Saying love and peace is the way.
So when the barbaric uncivilized
Terrorists come and kill and bomb

And murder innocent victims,
He says don’t take to arms
As love and peace are the way
And you win peace only with love.

Violence for violence isn’t the way.
The guru follows blindly
His Vedas and his Gandhi,
Oblivious to the reality

Of fighting a savage enemy
Who follows his holy book blindly.
It’s a clash of the holy books,
It’s a clash of the cultures,

Causing all bloodshed and havoc
In wars in the world today.
The Guru can teach the ruthless savages
For another 1000 years to get civilized.

But he doesn't know how to win
The war started by the savages,
To wipe them out once and for all
Is the only way. For the uncivilized
Doesn't deserve to live among the civilized.

quantum spiritual gurus and cats

The new age quantum guru from India
Has his spiritual blog site here in USA.
He preaches nonsense of souls interacting
with other souls through soul fields -
the consciousness soup of man and God.

One of his faithful stupid but lovely devotees
Extends further his theories of absurdities,
Connecting souls of cats with human souls
Through his senseless spiritual soul fields.

So she sends a reiki to the ailing cat of
Her friend suffering from an abscess in the right jaw
And running “a high fever on the right side of the face”:
“Get well cat, get well soon, we love you cat, get well.”

And lo! as soon the as the reiki is sent
The cat receives it with the speed of light.
The cat’s fever is gone, the abscess is healed.
She eats bowls of cat chow-mien in a jiffy

And goes up on the roof of the house
For some fun in the heat of the sun
With a huge horny tomcat on the run.
Who says gurus and cats are no fun!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Gotham Chopra's Sirius - intentBlog July 15, 2006

love sells
sex sells

peace sells
war sells

soul sells
god sells

health sells
wealth sells

right sells
left sells

everything that sells
our guru sells

we love our guru
we love whatever he sells

~ $&$


a sex guru sells sex
a soul guru, souls

but a guru of Kamasutra
sells both
sex and souls

or is it
love and souls?

or love in souls?
or souls in love?

the thing is
you've to have
the spirit first,
to see souls in sex
or sex in souls

whatever way you see -
you see the way of sex
you see the way of love
you see the way of souls,
whatever sells is
gold. pure, pure gold.

~ $&$


“Great that you are such an equal opportunity offender…” Gotham Chopra

This offender/defender thing, according to a new age guru, is only in the head of the observer who according to another guru is the observed. There’s no difference – except perhaps in $$$.
“One is all. All is one,” that’s all they say. So why complain, and why not live counting one’s dollars?

Please tell us of the philanthropic efforts, including your cartoon efforts. We know nothing much of these. Only what we read at IB and do not understand what is philanthropic here and what is $ here for more sales, more pride, more fame, more name…

Perhaps the problem is the readers do not know much of the self-praise. Please keep the writings balanced that do not write the $ on the wall. So we’ll get a clear picture of what’s going on. Thank you.


Deepak Chopra's Atheists for God - intentBlog July17,2006

The guru speaks after a long silence, still on his old nonsensical spiritual paths, still trying to prove, but miserably failing that everyone else is a fool and he is the wise person. He makes blanket statement, as if during his long silence when the world started to tear apart and he was with his Kamasutra venture, he had an audience with God who further enlightened him and today he comes here to enlighten his blind followers.

Read this:

" I think if God has a chance to come back seriously...." Is somebody denying God his chance to come back? Who is stopping him?

"God needs a lot more free thinking if he is to escape the clutches of fundamentalism." So now it appears he knows more than God and knows what God has to think now.

"The New Age replaces God, quite often, with the sense of "I am". Is Deepak now trying to place himself as a new age guru among the great people of history like, Einstein, Sartre, Paul Tillich and Dalai Lama as for as spirituality goes?

"atheism may be God's best hope for making a positive difference in history once again." It appears Deepak knows what's the best hope of God - atheism. Since he is so god loving, love loving, peace loving, goodwill loving, kindness loving, non-violence loving kind of person forging alliances for the new humanity and is beginning to understand that atheism is going to be God's best hope, why does he not become an atheist?

One wonders what he means when he says, "atheism may be God's best hope"? Does God believe in atheism? How can he have hope in atheism? If there is atheism, does it not mean there is no God? So what nonsense is going on here in his statements?

"Right now God is making a difference." Did God tell him that? What difference? Being so God loving and believing that everything happens because of God, his statement makes no sense. It becomes contradictory in itself like his God's hope in atheism etc.

" That's unfair to God,..." Is he an agent of God who told him to watch out what is fair or unfair to God? What does he really mean when he makes statements like these. Is it some kind of hogwash?

"if the secular elites believe that happiness and well-being can be established without a spiritual basis entirely, they are fooling themselves." What basis Deepak has to make such outlandish, bizarre, groundless, blanket statements. It seems as if he has been with God, in heaven or wherever, and he has come back to earth to tell us these things. Could it not be that Deepak is fooling himself, and consequently fooling his blind followers?

Note: There is lot more to be said. But to keep the discussion rolling on, I stop here before his blind followers jump in and start thanking him profusely for his unrivalled punditry.

~ Bhagwan Yogiraj


"It all sounds born of ego to me, anything born of ego is temporary." ~ Richard Thomas

Does this mean that this blog of Deepak Chopra is born out of his ego?

It appears he is struggling to save his face here to defend his views on spirituality, and it also appears he has had recently a conversation with God after the recent up rise of terrorism in the world, and after almost everybody differing from his teachings of how to have love and peace in the world.

I wonder if he wrote this blog in defending himself but lost himself further creating confusion in the minds of readers by wordiness and strange use of words - appearing as if to say something profound, but in fact all trite - that perhaps took him long time to finally come with this blog, that seems to carry little weight except to show off his personal beliefs to be marketed as something of wisdom coming from him as a new age self-appointed teacher of the world to save humanity.

~Bhagwan Yogiraj

Dr. Chopra,
Just think of it. Hijacking of your blog today. I am sorry that you message was lost, but I played no direct role in it.

If your message was positive, and my message was negative - thought it was not, it never is and will never be - how come more people showed up in negating me than jumping on your band wagon. Perhaps people respond to negative things - as they view the things in their minds - more intensely than to positive things. Did you ever think of this?

Perhaps people are afraid of losing their current identity in the face of convincing arguments that the beliefs they have been living with were false. They are more afraid to embrace new ideologies and paradigms than losing those they have been living with.

You could use this argument to show why it is so hard to put the people on the path of alliance for new humanity. And I can use the same argument to show that those who follow anything blindly refuse to use their brains to bring a positive change even in the face of convincing evidence. They are stuck in their thoughts, their beliefs and their life patterns.

I know you will not answer back to let me know your thoughts, and I do not expect to hear your thoughts. Your blog today was a great disappointment to me, as I could not see the point on which your thoughts were based. In fact they were self contradictory and meaningless, as I pointed out to you before the blog was hijacked.

After you and Mallika have sorted out how to stop the miscreants in using others' aliases to abuse posters with whom they do not agree, I would suggest you re-post the blog. It seems very messy now to Mallika to delete the comments posted by impostors.

I am willing to send the post numbers of my comments that I posted, if it would be of any help to Mallika to delete rest of the comments appearing under my alias of Bhagwan Yogiraj.

Here it is how, I think, the Indian mind works: If you cannot defend yourself, if the truth hurts, then become abusive ad lib to defend yourself. What a great way to resolve differences!

~ Bhagwan Yogiraj