Monday, August 14, 2006

Web Poems


midnight walker,
walking under dark skies,
sometimes seeing the moon
veiled by white sailing clouds.
in love with the sun, the moon
chases him daily slowly at night.

whom are you chasing
dear midnight walker?
beware, O dear!
there's on the loose
the Lincoln stalker.



"I am waiting for Deepak Chopra's view on bomb blasts in Bomaby."

Send no money...
Send goodwill...
Open fifth layer of soul....
Be on fourth spiritual path...

Read Kabala for the secrets of terrorism...
Know how to know your God...
Listen to the Muslim world...
Teach them love, peace. Love, peace. Love peace...

Do not make the terrorists accountable...
Convert them to new members of the Alliance for Humanity...
Sing some bathroom songs to them...
"Hindu Muslim Bhai, Bhai
Hindu Muslim Bhai, Bhai."



Kabala Bhai (brother)

what's the secret to the world peace?

what's the secret to stop terrorists'
killing innocent people in India?

what's the secret to making
money the Kabala way?

is it by plugging Kabala here?

and what's the secret to
getting love, love, love...?

everybody here is hungry for love
show them love, love, love...



when your enemy is "anti-human"
no respect for life
no song of love works
no song of peace works
no negotiations work
no treaty holds

violence to counteract violence
is then justified.
Lord Krishna approved it in Kurukshetra
Guru Gobind approved it against Aurangzeb
We must approve it. It is justified.

The problem is we listen
too often to Gandhi like gurus
the vestiges of Gandhi left behind.
Our enemy was civilised and left India

But no one listed to Gandhi
there was murder and bloodshed
during division of India
when our enemy was uncivilised.

So you new age gurus
your stupid vestiges of Gandhi
wake up, think again.
People with no brains listen to you
tell them to take up arms
and kill their terrorist enemy.

Work for lasting peace
change your paradigms
don't seek accolades
don't seek no Nobel prize.

Peace and love is for civilized people
Uncivilized must not live among civilized.
Spend no resources to change them.
Eliminate them. It's the best advice.



the sense of humor was lacking.
everybody becoming sissy hiding.
"love thy 'enemy' as thyself".
"they aren't them, they're us."

you candy ass libs,
open your minds.
they are not us.
they are barbaric.
we are civilized.

put your boot in their ass.
this is our way of life.
they do not deserve to live among us.
Eliminate them, shit on their life.



how well put!
how honest!
how sincere!
how praiseworthy!

there's is saying in India:
"Laton ke bhoot baton se nahin mantey"
Devils deserving boots in their asses
will never ever listen to you.

where are your lathis -sticks-
you wise Indians? Listen to your own advice.
You enemy is a barbaric rotten devil
he has no respect for life.

so go to your godowns
get your lathis- sticks
get your Shivas trishuls - tridents
get your Arjuna's bows and arrows
and hit the enemy in their asses.

they need no love.
they need no mercy.
eliminate the roaches.
and live in peace.



how refreshing!
how heartening!
how eye opening!
how mind opening!

the blessing givers
are now listening
leaving their sissy
guru's camp
and getting ready
for fighting

Oh, well
bearing arms
sending devils to hell
where they belong
and not amongst us
civilised, sane people
respecting life
living peacefully

friends, neighbors,
look around.
the enemy near
you is hiding.
catch the bastards.
put red-hot Indian curry-masaala
in their stinky shitty asses
and hang them, kill them.



Not an eye for an eye
many eyes for an eye

not a tooth for a tooth
many teeth for a tooth



Here is how one can turn another cheek right away. No waiting for a life time:

You come home after work. You see two barbaric hooligans in your house. They had bound your mother and younger daughter, guns in their hands, had raped them. They are not gagged. Not blind folded. The moment they speak a word against the bastards, they are slapped on their faces. You can see your mother and your daughter how they are communicating with you, with eyes and silent words.

You are helpless. They bind you to a chair and wait for your and and your older daughter to come home to rape them. You can see and hear what they are doing. Not gagged. Not blind folded. They love to see your reactions. The moment you utter, "Bastards, son of bitches", they come and hit you hard.

You see they are standing near the hall way door waiting for you beautiful wife and your older daughter. They come together home in the family car everyday.

They come. The bastards hold them at gun point. Bind their arms behind their backs, and start tearing off their clothes. and order them to lie on the living room floor while they start unzipping their pants. You can hear the cries of your wife and your daughter. You can hear their pleadings. You look into their eyes. But you can't do nothing.

Now you suddenly remember what your most revered guru had told you. "Turn the other cheek."

And you tell the rapists: " Rape my wife. rape my daughter."

Is this what you will do, the enlightened one. The wise one. The one on the spiritual path number four. The one with open layers of soul. The one with scholarly knowledge of Gandhian non-violence.

Your welcome guests raping your family are the followers of Chinghiz Khan, the great warrior, the conqueror of the world and God's most beloved man as he never missed his daily prayers and God gave him power, wealth and women and almost anything he wanted in this world.

What would you do brain washed peace lover if they do not kill all of you before they leave your home?

(Comment to be continued based on the interest of someone who is not a sissy and not a candy-ass and does not want to waste away his life's effort of turning the other cheek, as he follows his guru blindly and has no mind to think on his own. His guru even did not realize that non-violence works only when the adversary is civilized. It does not work with a barbaric, Chinghiz Khan like terrorist. It never has, and it never will. Perhaps it will after another 2000 years when the Alliance of New Humanity has turned him into a civilized man, and also by which time the alliance has become extinct itself.)



I apologize to anyone if I hurt sombody's soft, lovey-dovey and gentle-soul feelings in his/her heart without being provoked first. In my posts in the past when the peace lovers and love lovers were having imaginary virtual parties almost every other day to get their silk-like soft souls massaged by their think-alike friends, I made comments in general. I did not mean to insult anybody in particular. We all have rights to differ. I might have given some over the board examples of what imaginary party goers do to get imaginary happiness. If I hurt somebody's feelings, I am bery bery sorry.

Peace be to you all.

And may the spiritual gurus now open their eyes to see how terrible are the terrorists and how to treat them harshly with force. They have been seeing with their third eye, hidden somewhere deep in the frontal lobe, in the general area that projects inward from forehead, about 2 to 3 centimeters from the base of their nose, where the Hindu ladies put their bindis - the red dots - and the Hindu peace, love and spirituality lover men put a swastika like, or a cross like, but with two legs, sign on their foreheads when they show their holiness to others and preach all the stuff almost similar to what well known new age gurus preach in their seminars, in their books, in their videos and now on their special web sites.

Peace be to you all, again.

And may your God bless you, day and day out, even at the moment, when your candy ass is tied to your own chair in your own home, and your own beautiful wife and your own daughter is being raped before your own eyes....

And your own head is telling you inside that you must turn your other cheek and you being such a great non-violent, enlightened human being on this planet Earth, you tell the rapists in your own words:

"Rape my beautiful wife. Rape my beautiful daughter."

"Rape them again and again."



Here, here...
or is it hear, hear...?
Comes a master...
or is it a mistress...?
of the written word...

who has nothing
to say anything

but be priggish
and be nitpickish
to say something
like an aboriginal...

in the state
of their little minds,
in the state of their views
of the world never left behind...

living in the past
with past failed thoughts
now to save the mankind...

Note: Inspired by an expert on the origin of art of writing anything, be it prose, poetry or criticism.

Nitpickish, as Ogden Nash would have approved.


An English proof reader on the loose
with a heart of an adulteress,
seduces an innocent sexed up adulterer
(who is this secret adulterer?)

her heart is pink but sometimes red
redder than red color of pure blood.
her heart is hot, hotter than hottest hearts
so hot it makes a mare trot in season.

but poor mistress of the lonely love seeking hearts
sees in poor folks like us only greenish looking hearts



Yes, cool down,
you priggish lady
after your witches’ rant.

so long you opt to be priggish
telling others what to do
and not leave them alone

you will hear
what you deserve to hear.
I hope you hear, hear now!

did no one ever put this
in your thick skinned head:
"mind your own business
and eat your own bread".


Sometime back
I extended to someone
my hand of friendship.

your jaws dropped down.
wide eyed you exclaimed:
"heavens are falling down".

we adversaries
are now dear friends.
our businesses do we tend.

but you the priggish once
and born to be priggish always,
don't change. you pretend



Ganesha Puja (first draft)

Place a photograph, big or small,
framed in a glass frame,
garlanded with marigold flowers,
of Ganesha, the elephant-head
the cute looking shy son of
the divine, the destroyer of
the worlds, Lord Shiva.

Or better still get
A statute of him, big or small,
Made of wood, porcelain,
Stone, ivory or plastic
And place it on a table,
A raised platform
With no personal
Paraphernalia on it.
Keep it facing East.

Light a candle
or a little oil lamp
with a cotton wick
burning desi ghee in it.
(the ghee must be from
holy Indian cows!)

Bathe the photo or the statue
with full vitamin D fortified milk,
(our little Ganesha god is very clean,
he loves showers as elephants shower
themselves spraying water from
their long hose-like tusks)
Offer the son of Shiva
Some sandalwood paste,
Turmeric and kumkum flowers
(why all this exotic stuff
I will tell you in another poem).

Now light the candle
Or the rose or
the jasmine incense stick.
And stick it at his lotus feet.
Then squat in front of him
Leg crossed on the floor,
Eyes closed, hands folded
And sing hymns for him
( I will tell you which
yet in another poem)

After some time
when you get bored
And can’t stand
this nonsense no more
Open your eyes,
drop your hands on sides
Stand up on your feet
And make some offerings of
Indian sweetmeats, preferably
Laddoo and bundi made with desi ghee.

Then eat the rest of the laddoos
and the bundi to your glee
Thus from all sufferings
You will be free living happily.


now this besharam wala
is bery pukka-pukka sala.
this garam, garam masala
of yours will make him cry:
"hala, hala! O my hala, hala!


o dear, dear
who is who here
everyone's everywhere

becoming a khwaja
becoming a shakara
becoming a dothead
or becoming a bakra

no one knows
who is who.
no one knows
it's she or he.
no one is
smiling in glee.
no one knows
what's this foul.

oi, his hurting soul!
uski halat hai ab gol-mol.
bol radha bol, yes dear, bol
ab sangam ho ga ki nahin!



he's a mamma's boy
he married a mama
who could make no babies
to make his 'mama' happy

then he marries a girlie
who couldn't be a mama to mamma's boy
but gave him babies of strangers
picked at street corner beer bars

mamma's boy has now babies
but no mama to look after them
he finds South and call her,"Milady"
but soon finds she floats in North

then there's a medic Rita he finds
spiritual healthy, wealthy and kind
but her head floats in cows 'n kabootars
and he runs to find someone at hooters

on the way under the starless midnight
he finds Late, a loiter loitering the streets
he tells her "hey Late loitering pretty lady,
I'm a mama boy, be mama to my lovely boys"

tangles of love begin to entangle
under the dark skies of shooting stars
more they entangle, more he rambles
and finds a mama for his lovely boys

and a mama for himself too as he's a mamma's boy
how true: once a mamma's boy, always a mamma's


"Every time you kill a man, part of your self dies."

O yes, O yes
bery bery emotional thought
what that old man said

but every time you kill a man -
an uncivilized bastard enemy,
a terrorist with wasted life,
no respect for human life -
you enhance your chance of
living in peace your life

this is not bery emotional
this is bery bery practical



Some Demented Joe (DJ)
Tells a critic he’s an a.. hole
Since he’s interested in
It’s OK to ask him
How is his hole

Still bleeding? Still hurting?
After prostrating, bowing down
On knees in front of
A terrorist’s knees to get
Overhauled his hole?

Perhaps he loves such pleasures.
Perhaps he invites terrorists
For pleasures of his hole.
Does he love terrorists
For a big one to fit his hole?

Then this Demented Joe (DJ)
Proclaims the critic be removed
From this planet of ours
To which this queer claims
To have a life long lease on hold

Who’s this queer fellow?
A queen sissy of queers?
Take care of your hole first
Lest you bleed to death
And your shit flows out of
Your foul mouth instead.



God job, young man.
First selling Kamasutra through IB.
Now selling Kamasutra and
papa on Sirius through IB.

Dollars, dollars everywhere.
Through Kabala.
Through spirituality.
Through radio waves,
Through telly waves,
Dollar waves.



love sells
sex sells

peace sells
war sells

soul sells
god sells

health sells
wealth sells

right sells
left sells

everything that sells
our guru sells

we love our guru
we love whatever he sells



a sex guru sells sex
a soul guru, souls

but a guru of Kamasutra
sells both
sex and souls

or is it
love and souls?

or love in souls?
or souls in love?

the thing is
you've to have
the spirit first,
to see souls in sex
or sex in souls

whatever way you see -
you see the way of sex
you see the way of love
you see the way of souls,
whatever sells is
gold. pure, pure gold.



dollars, dollars everywhere
dollars smile, dollars wave.
welcome dollars, welcome
from any place, anywhere.



when she is angry
she thinks everyone is angry

when her husband masturbates
he thinks everyone masturbates

new Masters and Johnsons of new age
in nonsensical discussions engage

look into yourselves
look into your souls

look not into others' souls
before you look into yours

yours might be the darkest ones
darker than the devils' souls

but do devils have souls?
we now have to ask our guru

his is the whitest soul
whiter than the whitest

lotus flowers that people offer him
while bowing down to touch his feet

the holy guru, the holier facade
the holiest dollars, zindabad!



So our dirty joe (DJ)
has been enlightened

opening layers of soul walking
on his guru's spiritual paths

see how spirituality expresses itself
from the deep depths of hidden soul

we do not have to go far and wide
our guru's chela is here to show

no intellect, no reasoning, no logic, no brains
only four letter expletives exploding in vain

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Thank you

I thank you guys
at the Intent site
For banning me
To write anything.

I called you a dullard
For writing all time
About yourself
Your family and your friends.

I call you hypocrite teaching
love, peace and humanity;
but all you cared was
how to make money.

I was for some time
Hooked onto your site
calling your readers dimwits
as they followed you blindly.

When I come to your site now
to see what’s there cooking
I feel so nauseated
I run from it quickly.

I am now reading and
writing lot of new poetry.
Thank you for banning me, hostess.
It was a bliss for me in waiting.

Monday, August 07, 2006

the dullards

the dullard hostess of a weblog
has gathered around her
some dullard guests
from 4 corners of the world

she talks all time
about herself, family and friends
they talk all time
about themselves, family and friends

sending birthday greetings
wishing happy travels
wishing goodnight sleeps
extolling god's marvels

these intellectuals
30 or so active
but a 100 thousand
claimed to be inactive

day and night pray for peace
showing love for each other
but they don't know what love is and
peace is in dollar bills rolled together

quantum guru

he's educated by some standards
but an educated uneducated person.
he believes in whatever he reads.
a past medic by profession
but has no brains to reason.

some where he read quantum fields
of elementary particle interacting
by some intricate physics equations.
he loved the word quantum but
the rest he didn't understand.

so he wrote on quantum health.
so he wrote on quantum souls.
and said nothing was a wholesome whole
unless the quantum was there involved.

he even went on to explain
the existence of God by the quantum thing.
Alas, the God was too wholesome and big
his quantum thing he could not hold.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Response to Deepak Chopra's article :"Where Is Peace In a Time of War?"

Since the Intentblog accepts comments only from those who praise the owners, their close and extended family promoting their biased personal views, mostly on God, spirituality, ancient medical practices in India - Ayurveda, and their products like books, videos, comics on topics from sex and lust in Kamasutra to the reversal of aging process - remaining young forever even though the writer is aging rapidly as seen from his recent looks on Larry King, I am posting below a response to Deepak Chopra's article on his Intentblog. My response goes counter to the views of the writer and was not accepted for posting at Intentblog.


Dear Mallika the daughter and dear Deepak, the dad,

Mallika, you are being addressed as a "kiddo" and are being thanked as "Excellent--A big "Yeahhhhh, Baby!!!" here at Intentblog after you deleted my comments. Perhaps you love to be called a “kiddo” and “baby”. If it helps you, let me know. If I can call you the same so that you do not delete my comments that give pain to those near and dear to you and to those who come crying to you saying “foul, foul”, after they insult me; and you love their insulting comments by not deleting them but go on indiscriminatingly deleting my response to them.

I am writing the following in response to Dr. Deepak Chopra’s blog. Please let him read at least once before you delete it. The truth hurts and it sounds malicious, giving you reason to delete my comments!

After weeks of coaxing our super-guru to come here to tell us the solution to solve the problems of war and terrorism, the guru appears today after selling his comics by lecturing on something like 7 spiritual paths of comics – excuse me, Mallika, if I am misquoting the title of his talk that mesmerized you recently, and Kamasutra on the Sirius. Here is my response to his 10 points that bear shades of his spiritual readings/writings and tooting his old bugle of consciousness after Dalai Lama’s teachings, trying to make his own:

1. Same old nonsense alliance and critical mass. Wait for the spread of your consciousness through your alliance while the terrorists blow the asses of alliance members with their A-bombs that they may have in the near future.

2. Same old nonsense of Dharma. That Dharma of his from Vedas also teachs what Lord Krishna said: it is not wrong to kill violence by violence. I have quoted Lord Krishna saying this to Arjuna, which our guru fails to understand and gives one sided teachings of Dharma and Karma.

3. Now his philosophy of self-created stories! Damn to other’s stories if they are hell bent on destroying us. Protect yourself first before they kill you.

4. “Let us direct our thoughts, words, and actions to peace.” Keep on directing this and keep on praying the terrorists will listen to you and not blow up your ass in the mean time.

5. “the more engaged we become, the more detached we will have to be.” Here Lord Krishna in Geeta is speaking. Nothing new or practical in the modern world of war and terrorism. It is not getting to God like Lord Krishna taught. Our guru is preaching his teachings in the wrong context and appearing Krishna - like.

6. So keep your expectations low in teaching love and peace to your barbaric enemy. Give them ample opportunity to finish you off.

7. “We are here as the antennas for signals from the future.” Now our guru is defying cause and effect. He is receiving signals now through his spiritual antennas that have not yet been broadcast. Is he becoming God-like? What nonsense!

8. “let us try to be tolerant of intolerance.” Be tolerant of getting annihilated by the barbaric enemy. And “seek openings for higher awareness.” Through sound meditation and reciting “aum, aum”. What solutions!

9. “Let us resist the lure of dualities. These include us versus them, civilized versus barbarians, good versus evil.” No matter who versus who. Barbarians are not civilized. Finish them off before they finish you off. You cannot give up good vs evil things. Does evil mean same to you as good? Evil is evil. Good is good. No more nonsense from any guru.

10. “the male principle of aggression can only be healed by the feminine principle of nurturing and love.” So become sissies and lick cotton candies, be feminine healing the wounds of the barbarians and terrorists. They will come and show their love to you like this: “Thank you dear, loving mama. I love you bery bery much. I have been a bery bery bad boy. I promise you in the name of Allah and Mohammad (peace be upon him), I will kill no more firangi no more.”

Note: Dr Deepak Chopra does not mention Israel, Labanon, Iraq, Jews, Muslims or Hezbollah in his article. It appears he got lot of hate mail when he published an Op-Ed asking everybody to listen to the Muslims world. He briefly posted this on Intentblog and then removed it. So he does not want anybody to know he gets hate mail too, like it is expected, as not everyone agrees with others' views. Perhaps he wants to portray himself as a new age guru of wisdom and spirituality who can solve the world problems, and everybody should be agreeing with him to reach his "critical mass".

The above is in response to: Where Is Peace In a Time of War? By Deepak Chopra - Jul 31 at 10AM,