Tuesday, August 01, 2006

A Response to Deepak Chopra's article :"Where Is Peace In a Time of War?"

Since the Intentblog accepts comments only from those who praise the owners, their close and extended family promoting their biased personal views, mostly on God, spirituality, ancient medical practices in India - Ayurveda, and their products like books, videos, comics on topics from sex and lust in Kamasutra to the reversal of aging process - remaining young forever even though the writer is aging rapidly as seen from his recent looks on Larry King, I am posting below a response to Deepak Chopra's article on his Intentblog. My response goes counter to the views of the writer and was not accepted for posting at Intentblog.


Dear Mallika the daughter and dear Deepak, the dad,

Mallika, you are being addressed as a "kiddo" and are being thanked as "Excellent--A big "Yeahhhhh, Baby!!!" here at Intentblog after you deleted my comments. Perhaps you love to be called a “kiddo” and “baby”. If it helps you, let me know. If I can call you the same so that you do not delete my comments that give pain to those near and dear to you and to those who come crying to you saying “foul, foul”, after they insult me; and you love their insulting comments by not deleting them but go on indiscriminatingly deleting my response to them.

I am writing the following in response to Dr. Deepak Chopra’s blog. Please let him read at least once before you delete it. The truth hurts and it sounds malicious, giving you reason to delete my comments!

After weeks of coaxing our super-guru to come here to tell us the solution to solve the problems of war and terrorism, the guru appears today after selling his comics by lecturing on something like 7 spiritual paths of comics – excuse me, Mallika, if I am misquoting the title of his talk that mesmerized you recently, and Kamasutra on the Sirius. Here is my response to his 10 points that bear shades of his spiritual readings/writings and tooting his old bugle of consciousness after Dalai Lama’s teachings, trying to make his own:

1. Same old nonsense alliance and critical mass. Wait for the spread of your consciousness through your alliance while the terrorists blow the asses of alliance members with their A-bombs that they may have in the near future.

2. Same old nonsense of Dharma. That Dharma of his from Vedas also teachs what Lord Krishna said: it is not wrong to kill violence by violence. I have quoted Lord Krishna saying this to Arjuna, which our guru fails to understand and gives one sided teachings of Dharma and Karma.

3. Now his philosophy of self-created stories! Damn to other’s stories if they are hell bent on destroying us. Protect yourself first before they kill you.

4. “Let us direct our thoughts, words, and actions to peace.” Keep on directing this and keep on praying the terrorists will listen to you and not blow up your ass in the mean time.

5. “the more engaged we become, the more detached we will have to be.” Here Lord Krishna in Geeta is speaking. Nothing new or practical in the modern world of war and terrorism. It is not getting to God like Lord Krishna taught. Our guru is preaching his teachings in the wrong context and appearing Krishna - like.

6. So keep your expectations low in teaching love and peace to your barbaric enemy. Give them ample opportunity to finish you off.

7. “We are here as the antennas for signals from the future.” Now our guru is defying cause and effect. He is receiving signals now through his spiritual antennas that have not yet been broadcast. Is he becoming God-like? What nonsense!

8. “let us try to be tolerant of intolerance.” Be tolerant of getting annihilated by the barbaric enemy. And “seek openings for higher awareness.” Through sound meditation and reciting “aum, aum”. What solutions!

9. “Let us resist the lure of dualities. These include us versus them, civilized versus barbarians, good versus evil.” No matter who versus who. Barbarians are not civilized. Finish them off before they finish you off. You cannot give up good vs evil things. Does evil mean same to you as good? Evil is evil. Good is good. No more nonsense from any guru.

10. “the male principle of aggression can only be healed by the feminine principle of nurturing and love.” So become sissies and lick cotton candies, be feminine healing the wounds of the barbarians and terrorists. They will come and show their love to you like this: “Thank you dear, loving mama. I love you bery bery much. I have been a bery bery bad boy. I promise you in the name of Allah and Mohammad (peace be upon him), I will kill no more firangi no more.”

Note: Dr Deepak Chopra does not mention Israel, Labanon, Iraq, Jews, Muslims or Hezbollah in his article. It appears he got lot of hate mail when he published an Op-Ed asking everybody to listen to the Muslims world. He briefly posted this on Intentblog and then removed it. So he does not want anybody to know he gets hate mail too, like it is expected, as not everyone agrees with others' views. Perhaps he wants to portray himself as a new age guru of wisdom and spirituality who can solve the world problems, and everybody should be agreeing with him to reach his "critical mass".

The above is in response to: Where Is Peace In a Time of War? By Deepak Chopra - Jul 31 at 10AM, www.intentblog.com.


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